Monday, October 5, 2009

Paleo Day 22

Toasted "Nutty Bread"
Two Eggs Over Easy

I had planned on doing a juice cleanse of sorts today, after this past weekend's food/beverage madness, but thought it wise to eat something more substantial after seeing today's workout... with that being said, I was still not at my best today.

In relation to the average person's daily diet choices, I don't think that my choices this past weekend would be considered too horrific...however, my food choices throughout the past few weeks have left me feeling incredibly lean, strong, and, my body was super sensitive to these changes and didn't really respond too well; my stomach hasn't felt quite right today and I was extremely sluggish during today's workout. So, maybe I was just trying to prove a point...Paleo works! Okay, point taken...I'm back.

Lettuce Wrapped Buffalo Burger w/Avocado and Tomato

CrossFit Workout:
Three Minutes of Jumprope
20 Push Ups
20 GHD Sit Ups
20 Overhead Squats (15lbs)
10 GHD Back Extensions

Three Rounds of:
400M Run
15 Thrusters (65lbs)
15 Pull Ups

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