Saturday, January 9, 2010


*Green Chili Bagel w/Egg (from Einstein Bros. Bagel)

I have no idea what got into me...I'm blaming the 19 degree, morning CrossFit WOD. And, wasn't any warmer inside. I haven't had a bagel in more than two years...I can actually remember the last time- it was the Summer of 2008, my aunt, uncle, cousins, Scott, and I went out to CA to visit my Mom and Mark (we have an annual Whiskeytown Lake patio boat trip). It's sort of an unspoken tradition to eat bagels with cream cheese, smoked salmon, capers, and tomato...that's the last time. And, for some reason I wanted one, we got one.

Leftover Red Curry w/Vegetables (this curry gets better everyday, as the flavors meld...but, unfortunately, I've already eaten all of the seafood)
Grilled Buffalo Burger w/Heirloom Lettuce

CrossFit Workout:
Row 500M
Run 400M
Three Minutes of Jumprope

Front Squats

"The Bear Complex"
3x5 of:
Deadlift (65lb for all movements, without releasing grip)
Hang Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back Squat

*No, bagels are not Paleo.

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