Thursday, March 3, 2011

Heading to Cabo!

We're leaving for Cabo in the morning, so if you're interested in what's going on with me down in can find me on Facebook and Twitter.

But, before I leave, here's what I'm packing for our trip:

Last year, I had my buffalo and vegetables confiscated, so I'm playing it safe. I've got spices (fennel, cinnamon, sea salt, and some Penzeys), coffee, grass-fed ground beef (I'm only taking 1lb, in case they decide that they're taking it from me), some sardines (this is not my favorite brand, but I got them at Costco and they'll do), Lara bars, my homemade coconut butter, and some of my "Jen's Gone Paleo" kits (jerky, dried, unsweetened tart cherries, coconut, and macadamia nuts).

We took this trip last year, we're staying in the same place, and I know what to expect going in...there is a great restaurant on-site (unsuspecting for sure, but they've got really fresh, tasty food), a store close by, and I've got a few things packed, just in case. I know that I've got the food part covered and will be good to go there. With that being said...I will drink. I will suffer the consequences. I will return home. I will get right back to eating clean and working out. Moving on.

As far as workouts are concerned, we're planning 4-5 workouts for our 7 day trip. We program our workouts at home and I feel that the planning is a huge part of our follow through. So, we'll be doing burpees, push ups, some beach handstand walks, and whatever other "fun" things we decide to plan, during our flight. I'll keep you posted!

So, "Follow" me on Twitter, "Like" me on Facebook, and we'll meet up again here, in a little over a week.

In the meantime, here's a really great site to fulfill your recipe-searching needs:


  1. I've seen several bloggers raving about coconut butter lately. As I'm still trying to lean down should I avoid forming a C.B. habit?

  2. Emily~
    I would be more concerned with playing around with your fruit (and higher sugar carbs) intake than the coconut, though it should definitely be eaten in moderation. High quality fats (olive oil, coconut, red palm oil, ghee if doing dairy) are a great way to curb sweet cravings and help you to feel satiated (fat slows digestion, keeping you feeling full longer). Coconut is also a great energy source, so I will sometimes use it pre-workout, if I need a little extra boost without having to eat a full meal (not a good idea before jumping, running, sit ups...).

    Here are a few great resources, with regard to coconut and fat:

    I hope that helps!

  3. Thank you for taking the time to answer me Jen. Come back, your entries are missed!

  4. Hi Jen,

    I hope you had fun on vacation!

    I just wanted to let you know that I found your site and loooove it. I'm brand new to Crossfit, still in the 101 classes and I have been struggling to lose weight despite maintaining a "healthy, balanced diet". I decided to give Paleo a try and I am loving it (and loving the results). Your site as been a great source of inspiration for me.

    I have a ways to go and Crossfit is kicking my ass every single day, but I'm loving it.

    Good luck on your move to Portland (I just moved here myself and I love it so much) and thanks for the great Web site!

  5. Thank you, Kristen!

    How's CrossFit and Paleo-eating going for you? Where are you CrossFitting? And, how are you liking Portland?

    Scott is from the area and I lived there '96-'98, so I know the rain is going to be tough, but am looking forward to being closer to friends and family and the new adventures ahead of us! His grandma lives in Manzanita...if you get a chance to visit the Oregon coast, visit this cute little town!

    Thank you for taking the time to say hello!

  6. I need to find an awesome Paleo Jerky so I can make my own Paleo Pacs :)
