Saturday, July 17, 2010

A Day of "2010 CrossFit Games" via Live Feed

I watched the "2010 CrossFit Games"...all day! I have never, ever watched anything on tv (well, the internet in this case) for an entire day. My eyes feel strained and my head is a little fuzzy. It's been an exhausting day of spectating. :) Have you been watching? 

I watched all of the individual competitions and the affiliate competitions, intermittently, while I did laundry and cleaned house. I really just can't even imagine what these athletes' bodies must feel like right now. I can totally appreciate the movements and weight (for the most part) these women are moving around, but can not even fathom the workouts that they are getting through. And, the craziest part...they make it look easy! I have so much respect for these competitors and can't wait to see what's in store for tomorrow...but, really I can't even imagine. 

Three Eggs Scrambled w/Kerrygold Butter
Blueberries (1 cup)


Cedar-Smoked Salmon Cobb (the other 1/2 of yesterday's salad) 
-Romaine, Salmon (3oz), Hard-Boiled Egg (1), Bacon (1oz), Tomato, and Avocado

Chipotle Turkey Breast (2oz)
Handful of Green Grapes
Handful of Marcona Almonds (from Costco)

Chipotle Turkey Breast (6oz) w/Spinach (3 cups), rolled up into the turkey slices
Blueberries (1 cup)


25 Double Unders
21 Knees To Elbows

50 Push Ups
15 Pull Ups
25 DUs
15 KTEs
30 Push Ups
12 Pull Ups
25 DUs
9 KTEs
20 Push Ups
9 Pull Ups


One Minute of 35lb Kettlebell Swings:

I found this WOD while checking out one of my favorite blogs, TheClothesMaketheGirl. She did a version of this today, but after clicking on the link to see where she got the idea, I decided just to do the workout as originally created. I did decide to do 25 double unders, instead of the recommended 100 singles.

I did the push ups as recommended today, at the games- touch your body to the ground/deck and lift hands from the ground (just so that the judges could see that your chest was actually to the ground)...nice! This was a great workout! But, my hands tore doing the pull ups and knees to elbows...and as I contemplated skipping my last 9 pull ups, I thought of all those bloody, blistered hands during WOD #2 and realized that I would survive 9 more. And, I did.

BTW...good call on Rich Froning Jr., Lisa! He's impressive!!! Did you get sucked in all day, like I did? 


  1. haha i have been glued to my computer...i think my eyesight is starting to blur! rich is incredible. i saw him compete in the regionals and he was like superman. no missed reps on anything. i knew he would sneak up on people. and ring handstand pushups? really?!?!

  2. I know...I had the worst headache last night and my eyes were all fuzzy. This is intense!!! I can't wait to see what the final (this next one has got to be the final...right!?) WOD is going to be!!!

    I am just blown away by the level of competition and ability of these athletes and, of course, inspired by the women. I watched the Regionals last year, before I got into CrossFit, and really just had no idea...I love that I can relate (well, on some level) with what they must be going through. I really can't even imagine the way their bodies must be feeling at this point, but can at least comprehend what the weights feel like...and know that I wouldn't be able to do it. One day...

    I've been pulling for Spealler to win it, though I'm thinking that's not going to happen...he was at my Level 1 cert and is just a really cool guy. He's 5'5"/140lbs (smaller than me!) and is just crazy impressive!!! And, Kristen Cleaver...I don't even know what to say...

    Ok...back to the live feed! :)
