Monday, August 30, 2010

Your Hips Will Thank Me. Well...Kelly Starrett, Actually.

No seriously...they will.

My friend Becky talked me into participating in a 10-minute squat stretch, post-WOD, tonight. I was not at all enthusiastic, as I has just gotten done with this:

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 of:
65lb Sumo Deadlift High Pull (SDHP)
65lb Push Jerk

But, I am so glad that I did it. I had to squirm around a few times and I won't say that I did it without a bit of whining, but I did it...and, that's what matters.

She recently turned me on to Kelly Starrett's new blog,'s going to be life-changing...I'm sure of it! So, we are committing to participating in his daily mobility WODs and after today, I am enthusiastic! I have pain in my hips during and after squats and feel like my hips have a tendency to sort of "stick" in the bottom of my squat; they also pop on occasion and just really bug me at times, so...after a 10-minute squat I expected to be maybe limping a bit, or at least feel the sharpness that I sometimes experience post-squating...this, however, was not the case. I can't really explain exactly how they felt, but warm and almost normal might sort of do it. Does that make sense?

Anyway...give it a try, let me know how it goes, and I'll keep you posted on our commitment to mobility. Tomorrow..., "Don't go into the pain cave...". know you're curious.

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