Monday, June 14, 2010

Leftovers, a WOD, and My Week of Rest

Three Eggs Scrambled w/this ridiculously delicious Italian butter (yes, I've been using some crazy good butters to cook my eggs and...I'm okay with it...)


California Burger (no bun, no cheese, extra lettuce) w/Side of Fruit from Cafe Express 


I went out to lunch with my friends, Becky and Cindy, so my plans for Red Curry w/Chicken and Veggies will be placed on hold until tomorrow night, as I had leftovers to eat! But, no big veggies and chicken are ready to go.

Let me tell you Bronzino w/Veggies was even better on Day 2. A tip, if you are planning to make this dish and eat it as not overcook the fish or veggies (don't ever do that, but really don't do it if you're creating extras for leftovers, as they will just get tougher or soggier or just not good).

I heated a pan with 1 T. of EVOO and, once heated, I added the leftover fish so that the skin (yes, the skin...sorry if that weirds you out, Becky...) could crisp and brown. After about a minute of browning, I added the veggies (no kale in this batch...I put it in another container for tomorrow's eggs) and tossed to combine, stir-fry style. Overall, this took about five minutes to reheat. Easy!

CrossFit Workout:
800M Run
30 Mountain Climbers
Plate Raises
Movement Practice

12 Minute AMRAP of:
5 Power Cleans (95lbs)
10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups (mine were Clavicle to Bar)
20 Double Unders

4 Rounds

So, this brings me to my "Week of Rest" last workout, with exception to a pathetic run that Scott and I did the other night, took place last Monday, the day after my CrossFit Level 1 Certification. Yes, that's a week off from working, why you ask!? Well, my body made me.

The thing about the CF Cert. is's really exhausting!

This is how it goes down:
Lecture followed by Movement (Squats) Practice w/PVC*
Lecture followed by Movement (Presses) Practice
Lecture followed by "Fran" (and, in my case, because there weren't enough 65lb barbells, done with 25lb dumbbells...UGH!...and, as Russell Berger so kindly encouraged, "If you haven't tried it, you should, it's awful!"...oh...yes, please...)
Picture Time
End Day 1.

Day 2 was pretty much the same, but with Deadlifts, 15lb Medicine Ball Cleans, Snatch, Pull Ups, Muscle Ups, and another crazy WOD thrown in the mix. During this team WOD, I completed approximately 85 (35lb) KB Swings, 75 Box Jumps, and a 1/2 Mile Run.

*All of our movements are done with PVC, but the point is to practice as if you are attempting a PR (Personal Record).

And, so after two days of practicing like I meant body was wrecked, but Monday rolled around and I was not about to let a little soreness stop me from working out...I was ready to go!

Enter "Cindy"...a 20 Minute AMRAP of:
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups (and, just coming off of the cert...I made sure that they were all chest to ground)
15 Squats

About 3 rounds in, my arms began to feel like they were on fire, or like the muscles were going to tear from the bones, but I trudged on, in all of my stubbornness, I trudged on...and, 14 rounds later began my week of pain. Yeah...that was worth it.

So, moral of the story...listen to your body and if it's telling you to rest, do it. Rest, hydrate, and fuel with real foods. This past week, I could barely bend my arms, my elbows and triceps were swollen, and I was just plain miserable. So, because I was forced by my body, I rested, drank plenty of water, and ate good, clean food. And today, my workout felt really good! My cleans felt solid and though I didn't get my Chest to Bar pull ups, they were all well above the bar. I'll take it!

Have you ever not listened to your body, post-workout, and suffered the consequences? I'm not alone...right!?


  1. You're definitely not alone! Last year, I ran 2 half-marathons back to back. I felt exhausted after the first one but I didn't rest and ended up getting very sick for a couple of weeks. Lesson learned. Kudos to you for listening to your body!

  2. Jen, that is madness! Have your run since?

    I only wish I would've skipped Monday's workout, but lesson learned for me, as well!

  3. I stopped running for a while, then started again. After a couple of months, I got plantar fasciitis and had to stop. I haven't run in 6 months! At first, I missed it, but I have no desire to go back to it again. I'm just learning about cross fit and high intensity interval training. I've only done a couple of videos at home of the power circuit training, but I love it. I also do Pilates and yoga.

  4. 3 Researches PROVE How Coconut Oil Kills Fat.

    This means that you actually get rid of fat by eating coconut fat (including coconut milk, coconut cream and coconut oil).

    These 3 researches from big medicinal journals are sure to turn the traditional nutrition world around!
