Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Running Karen and Dinner on The Fly

Three Eggs Scrambled w/Goat's Milk Butter

Diestel Chipotle Turkey Breast from Whole Foods (5oz)
Avocado (1/2 Large)


Diestel Chipotle Turkey Breast from Whole Foods (5oz)
Avocado (1/4 Large)
Cucumber (Large)

There are times when I'm so hungry, that I get home and this is how I eat...

Scoop of Organic SunButter

Running "Karen"with a Partner:
150 Wall Ball Shots* (Women: 14lb, Men: 20lb)

*While one person runs 200M, the other person does wall ball shots (for me, 14lb ball, 9ft target) and vice versa.


I did this WOD with John (our CFR trainer). We ended up splitting the wall ball shots pretty evenly, at about 75 each. This was fun to do as a team, as 150 wall ball shots (or 150 of anything for that matter...) can get a bit redundant...

This was the perfect WOD to get my heart pumping and give me a little blast, as I had to get back to the studio for class! :)

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