Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A Crazy CrossFit WOD, Yoga, and Meditation

Three Eggs Scrambled w/Goat Milk Butter (1/2 tsp.)


Three Eggs Scrambled w/Goat Milk Butter and Avocado (1/4 Large)
Apple (3/4 Small) w/Organic SunButter (1 T.)

Lots of eggs today, but I always buy the Omega-3 enriched eggs, so I don't feel too bad about this decision.

For time:
400M Run
100M Farmer's Carry (35lb dumbbells in each hand)
21 Burpees
100M Farmer's Carry
100M Walking Lunges
15 Burpees
400M Run (Backwards...yes...backwards)
100M Farmer's Carry
9 Burpees


Try saying that 10x fast... The lunges and the 400M backward run were, by far, the most challenging part of this WOD...I actually looked forward to the Farmer's Carry, as it seemed to sort of stretch out my legs from the horrific lunges! You'll just have to trust me on that one. Well, it's over.

I also did my first rope ascent (I'd never even attempted before today...so cool!) and 10 toes to bars (because I was just curious to see how the movement would feel...nice).

After CrossFit, I decided to head over to The Mat for a Mediation class, but decided to take class as well...as my legs wobbled and shook, I had to remind myself...you'll be thankful that you did this, in the morning...so, add to my workout:

Yoga (60 minutes)
Meditation (30 minutes)

While meditation may not be considered a workout per se, it is definitely a beneficial addition to my/your workout routine, as it is helpful in learning to be present and to focus on breathing...and, who couldn't benefit from that!? I will definitely sleep well tonight!


  1. HI - I enjoy your postings. I was just wondering, how many calories do you eat in a day? It seems very low to me some days and I wonder if you get hungry...

  2. Hi Stephanie!

    I don't count calories, at all...I really just eat. And, eating Paleo has worked for me, in that I can eat until I'm full without feeling bloated and uncomfortable. I've just sort of played around with my eating and have found what works bet for me.

    I usually eat 3 eggs and always eat some sort of fat (to slow digestion and help me to feel satisfied until lunch) in the morning (I eat Omega-3 enriched eggs with yolk, avocado, sometimes a scoop of Organic SunButter, and just recently have been loving goat's milk butter), so my breakfast is probably 500-600 calories (depending on if I have a piece of fruit).

    Lunch varies, but today, for example, I had a "Naked Burrito" (salad) from Qdoba with grilled chicken, grilled squash, pico, salsa, and guacamole; this meal was about 600 calories. I also had a Coconut Lara Bar as a snack, 220 calories. So, about 800 calories.

    Dinner is usually about 4-6oz of protein (depending on whether I worked out or not that day) and a bunch of veggies. So, I would guess around 600 calories.

    When I eat sushi, I order sashimi or a riceless roll, and probably consume 12-16oz...yes...A LOT! I love it and can go a little crazy. :)

    So, when all is said and done, I consume anywhere from 1700-2100 calories in a day, depending on how much I worked out that day...which usually determines my hunger level. I'm 5'9, weigh 137lb and I feel like this is what works for me.

    Thank you for checking out my blog and feel free to give me feedback whenever you feel the urge...I love that people are reading and hope that my experiences are helpful/useful! :)
