Sunday, May 2, 2010

And, This is What I Ate...

Breakfast: Three Eggs Scrambled w/Avocado (1/2 Large)
Lunch: Salad from Salata
Mixed Greens and Spinach w/Grilled Chicken, Egg, Artichoke Hearts, Tomato, Raisins, Strawberries, Apple, Sunflower Seeds and Vinaigrette (yes...random, but tasty!)

I made a buffalo burger and green beans for Scott, but wasn't feeling hungry myself. 

Breakfast: Three Eggs Scrambled w/Avocado (1/2 Large)
Lunch: I didn't eat, as I was preparing for the night's eating madness...I did drink a Strawberry Kombucha, for good measure.
Dinner: Schnitzel w/Spaetzle ( read that right...)

The Schnitzel (pork and chicken is breaded and then pan fried):

The Sauce (onions, rosemary, thyme, tarragon?, cayenne, paprika, and a whole lot of cream):

The Spaetzle:

The Schnitzel and Spaetzle:

I was invited to my friend Becky's (also a Paleo eater, I might add...) home for a special dinner, prepared by their German friend, Lenny. I must preface this by saying that I have never had fried chicken and have just recently begun to dabble with bacon (the only pork product that I have had in the past 22 years), so the thought of a sort of fried pork (I requested and was provided chicken) smothered in a heavy cream sauce, served over pasta was a bit well...scary. I got to their home early and we enjoyed some wine while we all watched Lenny prepare our meal.

Any digestive concerns that I had, before I arrived, were forgotten as the aroma of fresh herbs and caramelized onions filled the kitchen. Nothing about this meal was Paleo, but every bite was welcomed and thoroughly enjoyed. Thank you, Becky for inviting me to experience new foods and thank you, Lenny for creating such an incredibly delicious meal for us all (were there 15 of us!?).

Now that I've shared with you the deliciousness that was should know that my body was not happy with me for making this decision. So, unless you have a native German, who is leaving the next day to fly home, making this meal for not try this at home! 

Breakfast: stomach was not able to ingest anything until later in the day. See above. :)
Salad at Snappy Salads
Mixed Greens and Spinach w/Grilled Chicken, Avocado, Artichoke Hearts, Capers, Walnuts, and Vinaigrette
Nothing...still wasn't feeling too good.

Nothing...I was headed for Hot Yoga and decided against eating before class. I drank a Citrus Kombucha after class.
Salad at Cafe Express
Grilled Chicken and Pesto Pasta Salad (no pasta, no pesto)

Becky took me out for lunch and then I headed over to The Woodhouse Day Spa with my friend Julie, for massages and facials. 

Glass of Wine

Becky and Bill stopped by with a gift...a box of Vosges Chocolate Truffles!!! So, of course we had to open them...and eat some. :) Thank you Becky and Bill!

5 Oysters
1 Onion Ring
1/2 Wedge Salad w/Blue Cheese and Bacon (shared w/Scott)
8oz Filet (I ate 4oz)
Glass of Champagne
Cucumber Martini

This was a pretty perfect day! And, even though it was my birthday, I kept it pretty under control. I really couldn't have asked for a better mom and family being here would have made it absolutely perfect. Maybe next year... Thank you Scott, Becky, Bill, Julie, and Keith for spending this day with me and making it so special and memorable! 

Red Curry w/Chicken and Veggies (no rice and no, I didn't eat the mini corn things or snow peas) at Thai Frisco


Three Eggs Scrambled
Late Lunch:
Side Salad w/Oil and Vinegar 
2lbs of Crawfish


  1. Ha ha! "Some" truffles. Ha! I think what we ate qualified as more than "some". And yea, cream schnitzels and spaetzle once a year is worth it. Even if I didn't want to eat for days after. :) We'll work it off this week, huh? ;)

  2. How do you define "some", because what I meant was a bite of pretty much all of them, equivalent to like 5...right!? ;) And, yes...we will be working them off this week. Do we get to eat the rest of them too? If we promise to work out really hard...!?

  3. Well I really enjoy your blog Jen! I heading to Napa next week and going to do my best to eat Paleo while there...yikes!

  4. Napa!? How great!!! My cousin lives out there (actually in Healdsburg) and can make some great suggestions for food and wine tasting, if you're interested.

    Scott and I are members at Schramsberg Winery and LOVE it!!! You've got to check our their wines while you're there! I don't think you'll have a problem eating well, as most of the food is fresh, local, and seaonally prepared. One of my go-to places in the area is Rutherford Grill ( And, a cool little winery with a great view is Signerello ( Just in case you wanted my thoughts... :)

    Have a great time and let me know if you want any suggestions! :)

  5. Oh oh..yes please:) thanks a million!!!! Been once before for 3 hours and it poured the entire time:(
