Monday, April 5, 2010


As much as I am loving the site of that Lamb Osso Bucco, it is time for an update...

I started a new job last week and am finding it less convenient to update my blog on a daily basis...but, nevertheless, I am still finding time for good clean eating and plenty of workouts! So, with that being said, here's what I did/consumed, today:

Three Egg Fritatta w/Ground Buffalo (3oz) and Avocado (1/2 Large)

Salad from Snappy Salads
Mixed Greens, Spinach, Broccoli, Artichoke Hearts, Celery, Cucumbers, Green Olives, Beets, Hard Boiled Eggs, Grilled Steak, Dried Cranberries, Walnuts, and Lemon

Yeah...I got a little carried away, so it was a really random mixture....but, it tasted really good! Thanks for the lunch date, Becky! :)


Kabocha Squash w/Cinnamon, Almond Butter (1 T.), and Ground Flax Seed (1/4 C.)

I wasn't very hungry, but this combination was sounding quite satisfying, so that's what I decided to eat.

CrossFit Workout:
400M Run
400M Run
20 Pull Ups
20 Push Ups
20 Sit Ups
20 Squats

Squat Clean 1 Rep Max.
65-85-95-105-115lb (I got the clean, but was unable to get out of my squat...ughhh!)

Using 50-75% of my 1RM (105lb) complete AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible) in 3 Minutes
25 Reps @ 65lbs

We then worked on pull ups...I got 12 unbroken pull ups (a PR for me)! And, then on to more squat clean practice...working on form. I have a tendency to bring the weight out too far in front of me and find my knees sticking out a little too far, during my clean...trying to work on not doing that.

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